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The Zéphyr M30 dual parachute and FTS system for the DJI Matrice 30 drone allows you to secure your flights and slow down the fall speed of your Matrice 30 in case of problems, simply by requesting the shutdown of the motors and the deployment of the parachute with the dedicated autonomous remote control.

Possibility to easily and quickly remove the parachute from your drone, especially during an S2 scenario.






The lightest parachute system on the market: only 460g ! 

The basic parachute kit includes an ultra-fast CO2 dual canopies ejection system and a dedicated stand-alone remote control with 30 hours of autonomy, to be attached to the Smart Controller.  The parachute is also available as a DGAC S1 S2 S3 approved kit with an external FTS (to be installed by the user).

Each version of the FTS includes an audible alarm and a charging socket that allows the parachute to be powered and charged when the drone is switched on, thus providing unlimited autonomy.


The lightest parachute system with FTS in the world ! 

The double canopies + external FTS parachute kit is the most reliable solution available with a weight of 530 grams. Equipped with 2 PARA² canopies, the system is fully redundant! In the event of a failure, the deployment of only one of the canopies maintains the fall speed below 5 m/s for a weight of 4.7 kg, and limits the impact energy to less than 69 J. In non-degraded use, the two canopies used together limit the impact energy to only 55 J.  Pilots have the possibility to carry more than 470 grams of payload, in addition to our safety systems, while remaining compliant with the DGAC S2-S3 approval (total weight of 4.7 KG in flight).

The S1/S2/S3 approval proposed by Dronavia is the only one on the market that allows for the carrying of payload.

Note that for an equivalent payload, the flight time is longer with the Zéphyr parachute than with another parachute system. The external FTS is installed between the batteries and the drone by yourself. The operation is reversible, it does not modify the drone and allows to keep the DJI manufacturer warranty. The FTS can be used alone, without a parachute, to increase the available payload and flight time for the S2 scenario. The payload of the Matrice 30 in the S2 scenario increases to 930g in this configuration! The audible alarm module connects to the USB-C socket on the underside of the drone.  The external FTS are also redundant, in the event of a battery loss, one module is able to take on all the power needed to keep the drone in the air until an emergency landing is made.

The FTS can be used on its own, without a parachute, to increase the available payload and flight time for the S2 scenario.


Ultra-fast system set-up 

Attached to the 4 upper screw threads of the drone, the parachute can be disassembled in less than a minute, without having to go to the workshop. An optional bracket is available in our shop to attach it to the underside of the drone when using the upper pod.  The kit with the external FTS can also be disassembled in seconds. The fuse module is simply inserted between the batteries and the drone. It directly includes the audible alarm. It weighs 70 grams. 


The fastest, most reliable and most efficient CO2 system

The CO2 ejection system of Zéphyr parachutes has been tested and used by a majority of French drone pilots for more than 5 years. Numerous tests and successive improvements have brought this system to levels of reliability never before achieved on a drone parachute.  The pressurised gas (60 bars!) is released in a fraction of a second to propel the parachute fabric out of its container. The excess gas released (each cartridge contains several dozen litres) is used to accelerate the deployment of the canopy and minimise the loss of altitude when the parachute is triggered.  The system can be reset in a few seconds. The CO2 cartridge is the only consumable to be changed on the system after a deployment and a cartridge costs only a few euros. There are no constraints for professional pilots travelling by air. Most airlines offer the possibility to put your Zéphyr M30 system in the hold or in the cabin with the 4G gas cartridge.

On the Zéphyr M30 dual parachute system, the CO2 ejection system allows the canopy to be ejected and opened in just 0.83 seconds, which corresponds to a 10m loss of altitude from an initial fall speed of approximately 6m/s.


The lightest, most stable and most efficient drone canopies 

The new PARA² canopies used in Zéphyr parachute systems are the result of 3 years of development. Their innovative ultra-lightweight design and unique construction give PARA² canopies superior efficiency and stability. On single canopy systems, the drop rate is minimised in relation to the canopy surface. When used in pairs, PARA² canopies do not interfere with each other and optimise the overall sink rate. Each Zephyr parachute is designed so that the canopy(s) keep the drone as flat as possible during its fall so that the canopy can be used for the most efficient use.

On the Zéphyr M30 double canopy parachute system, the fall speed for a mass of 4.7 kg is only 5 m/s, i.e. an impact energy of only 55 J, well below the maximum 69 J authorised in France. 


A long-range encrypted communication system 

The long-range communication system between the radio and the parachute is based on advanced technology and LoRa modulation. Its range reaches 5 km in optimal conditions and a long range option allows to exceed 10 km.  The communication protocol is based on 869 MHz frequencies, free of authorisation (433 and 915 MHz options available). A 128-bit encryption ensures that the data is not intercepted and the user is warned if the communication is disrupted.   Practical user features   The parachute, FTS and radio control modules are equipped with LEDs for status indication and advanced functions.

The LEDs indicate the remaining battery charge at switch-on and switch-off and the battery level during charging. In operation, they indicate the instantaneous status of the system: correct operation, loss of radio link, low battery level… Coupled with a FTS, the parachute turns on automatically when the drone is turned on. If there is no signal and you forget to switch off the parachute or the radio control, the modules switch off automatically after 10 minutes.   A time-stamped log system is integrated on the parachute and radio. It records the triggering actions performed by the user for diagnostic purposes.


Many options… ahead of the regulations!  

The options available with Zéphyr parachutes allow you to be one step ahead of French and European regulations.   On the remote control side, it is possible to add a second redundant release button. This second button avoids unwanted presses on a single button and doubles the autonomy of the remote control. Safety caps protect the buttons against accidental pressing. A buzzer module is available on request. It generates an audible warning in case of loss of connection with the parachute. A long range option allows the radio range to be extended to over 10 km if required. It is also possible to link several radio controls with one parachute, or several parachutes with one radio control.

On the parachute side, a crash detection and automatic deployment module is available on request. This module will eventually be compatible with future European standards (class C5 for STS-01 scenarios).


Dronavia is anticipating the new European regulations, by bringing its autonomous FTS system (Zéphyr CC M30) into conformity with the MOC 2511 published by the EASA. A MOC 2511 declaration of conformity is delivered with each Zéphyr CC M30 system sold. This declaration of conformity can be incorporated into a SORA and is sufficient to meet the requirements of Part 9. This compliance is a quick and easy way to obtain a SORA but also to be sure to benefit from the best devices to manage the risks and safety of your special operations.


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