

In critical scenarios where communication is paramount, the integration of mesh networks
with drones represents a transformative solution.
Mesh networking technology offers incredible advantages when deployed on drones,
enabling seamless connectivity in even the most challenging conditions.

This synergy not only enhances the reliability and resilience of communication infrastructure
but also facilitates rapid deployment and adaptability, making it indispensable in disaster response,
search and rescue operations, surveillance, and various other critical applications.

Mission Critical Communications for the Tactical Edge

SmartMesh introduces a revolutionary approach by creating
nomadic networks that adapt dynamically to the needs of drone swarms.

Drones serve as mobile APs, extending connectivityand forming a robust,
scalable network that surpasses terrestrial constraints


Introdution to MIMO MESH

Multiple antennas combined with digital signal
processing further enhances wireless link

Multiple antennas for both transmitters and
receivers vastly improve communication

MIMO stands for Multiple-In Multiple-Out,
referring to the fact that when a packet is
transmitted into the channel it transmitted on
more than one antenna and when it comes out of
the channel it is received on multiple antennas.

Introduction to Mannet

Every radio acts as a transmitter, receiver and
repeater to enable multi-hop peer-to-peer
communications between a multitude of users.

Stream voice, data and video via an
“infrastructureless” network

Infrastructure-based systems that use as cellular
or WiFi technology utilize a central ‘hub’ node to
deliver high speed connectivity and good Quality
of Service (QoS) to the user.

Introduction to COFDM

COFDM breaks a broadband channel into many
discrete, narrow sub-channels or subcarriers to
provide increased robustness.

Breaks a broadband channel into many discrete,
narrow sub channels or subcarriers

Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing (COFDM) is an alternative to a single
carrier waveform which is often used because of
the limitations of single carrier systems for
broadband applications where multipath is

Next generation of intelligent mobile ad hoc networks

Mesh networking technology has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of wireless communication,
offering a flexible and resilient alternative to traditional infrastructure-based networks.
At its core, mesh networking enables devices to connect directly with each other, forming a decentralized
network where each node serves as a relay for data transmission.

This unique architecture endows mesh networks with several key characteristics, including self-organization,
fault tolerance, and scalability. In this introduction, we’ll delve into the fundamental principles of mesh technology
and explore how its distinctive features empower a wide range of applications across industries,
from smart homes to industrial IoT deployments.

Main Features of Mesh System


Ultra Long









433MHZ to 6gHZ


, Smart Mesh


In critical situations where communication infrastructure may be compromised or nonexistent,
the fusion of mesh networks with drones holds immense potential to address communication challenges effectively.

Mesh Networking Technology, characterized by its decentralized architecture,
allows devices to establish ad-hoc connections, forming a resilient network capable of adapting to dynamic conditions.
When integrated with drones, these mesh networks gain unprecedented mobility and agility,
enabling rapid deployment and coverage extension in critical scenarios such as natural disasters,
search and rescue missions, and emergency response operations.

Drones, with their aerial capabilities and versatility, serve as dynamic nodes within the mesh network,
facilitating seamless communication even in remote or hazardous environments where traditional
infrastructure may be unavailable. By leveraging the collective intelligence of interconnected drones,
mesh networks can relay vital information, coordinate response efforts, and provide connectivity to isolated areas,
thereby enhancing situational awareness and improving overall response efficiency.

, Smart Mesh

Advantages of Mesh technology with Drones

, Smart Mesh

Resilient Communication

Mesh networks enable drones to establish resilient communication links, ensuring continuous data transmission even in challenging environments or when infrastructure is damaged during disasters.

, Smart Mesh

Extended Coverage

By forming a mesh network, drones can extend coverage over large and remote areas, providing communication support to search and rescue teams, disaster responders, and surveillance operations in areas where traditional methods may be limited.

, Smart Mesh

Real-time Data Transmission

Mesh-enabled drones facilitate real-time data transmission, allowing for immediate sharing of critical information such as GPS coordinates, live video feeds, and sensor data, essential for coordinating rescue efforts and surveillance operations.

, Smart Mesh

Adaptive Networking

Mesh networks with drones adapt dynamically to changing conditions, automatically rerouting data through the most efficient pathways, ensuring continuous communication even in dynamic and unpredictable environments.

, Smart Mesh

Redundancy and Reliability

The redundancy inherent in mesh networks ensures that even if individual drones or communication nodes fail, the network remains operational, enhancing reliability and resilience in critical situations such as disaster response and search and rescue operations.

, Smart Mesh

Enhanced Situational Awareness

Mesh-enabled drones facilitate enhanced situational awareness by providing real-time communication and surveillance capabilities, enabling responders to make informed decisions and coordinate activities effectively during search and rescue missions or disaster response operations.

, Smart Mesh

No compromise

Infrastructure-based systems relying on cellular or WiFi technology typically depend on a central ‘hub’ node to ensure high-speed connectivity and maintain a good Quality of Service (QoS) for users. However, eliminating this infrastructure and introducing mobility, along with dynamic connectivity profiles, without compromising user QoS presents a significant challenge for developers of Wireless Mesh Networking systems, also known as MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Networking).

A MANET system comprises a collection of mobile or temporarily stationary devices tasked with facilitating seamless streaming of voice, data, and video between any pair of devices, utilizing others within the network as relays to circumvent the need for traditional infrastructure.

Drones play a crucial role in addressing this challenge and making a substantial difference. With their inherent mobility and flexibility, drones serve as dynamic nodes within the mesh network, rapidly adapting to varying connectivity demands and extending coverage to remote or inaccessible areas. 

, Smart Mesh

The power of COFDM comunication

The integration of COFDM (Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) technology
with mesh networks represents a significant advancement in the field of wireless communication.
COFDM is renowned for its robustness in transmitting data over challenging environments,
characterized by multipath interference, fading, and signal degradation. When combined with mesh networking,
COFDM enhances the reliability, resilience, and efficiency of communication networks across various applications.

Mesh networks, with their decentralized architecture, allow devices to connect directly with each other,
forming a self-organizing network that can adapt to changing conditions dynamically. By integrating COFDM technology,
mesh networks gain the ability to transmit data reliably over long distances and in harsh environmental conditions,
making them suitable for critical applications such as surveillance, disaster response, search and rescue, and industrial monitoring.

Main Features of Mesh Technology

Robustness: COFDM is highly resistant to multipath interference, fading, and signal degradation, making it suitable for communication in challenging environments such as urban areas, forests, or industrial sites.

Efficient Spectrum Utilization: COFDM efficiently utilizes available spectrum by dividing it into multiple orthogonal subcarriers, allowing for simultaneous transmission of multiple data streams.

Resistance to Interference: COFDM employs forward error correction and interleaving techniques, which enhance its resistance to interference caused by noise or other signals.

Long Range: COFDM technology enables communication over long distances without significant loss of signal quality, making it suitable for applications such as long-range surveillance or telemetry.

Flexibility: COFDM systems can adapt to changing channel conditions in real-time, adjusting parameters such as modulation scheme and error correction coding to optimize performance.

Low Latency: COFDM technology can achieve low latency transmission, making it suitable for applications that require real-time communication, such as video streaming or teleoperation.

Scalability: COFDM systems can be easily scaled to accommodate varying bandwidth

, Smart Mesh


Smart Mesh MANET radios provide mission-critical tactical 
communications & connectivity across multi-domain operations.
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Loitering Munitions
  • Unmanned Ground Vehicles
  • Airborne ISR
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Dismounted Forces
  • On-the-Move Units
  • At-the-Halt Command Center
  • Maritime Communications


Each node radio station is not only an access terminal server, but also a

wireless routing relay and Internet gateway. 

Centerless, distributed self-organizing, self-adapting, self-recovering
dynamic routing, multi-hop relay star, linear, mesh and hybrid networks 
Reliable transmission of point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and
multipoint-to-multipoint IP network streams, asynchronous data
streams, high-definition video, and fidelity voice 
Long-distance, high-bandwidth and low-latency transmission in
harsh terrain working environments such as non-line-of-sight, fastmoving,
and complex jamming
, Smart Mesh

Search & Rescue

Drones equipped with mesh networking capabilities can collaborate as a coordinated team, optimizing search patterns and sharing critical
information in real-time.

, Smart Mesh


The combination of mesh networks and drones revolutionizes surveillance operations, providing enhanced coverage, flexibility, and effectiveness in monitoring and safeguarding critical assets and areas.

, Smart Mesh

Disaster Response

Mesh networks enable drones to establish resilient communication links, ensuring uninterrupted data transmission even in disrupted or damaged infrastructure.

, Smart Mesh


Drones equipped with mesh networking capabilities serve as dynamic nodes, facilitating real-time situational awareness and coordination for military units.

, Smart Mesh


Drones agility and mobility allow 
rapid inspection of remote or
hazardous areas, reducing downtime
and improving maintenance efficiency.


Smart-Mesh is our most advanced Mesh waveform yet and it is supported by the industry’s widest range of Mesh hardware platforms from tiny modules, perfect for small drones, to the longest range ruggedised nodes, ideal for maritime or industrial applications. With frequency options spanning 340MHz to 6GHz and tri-band capable products, plus options for OEM integration, DTC can offer hardware solution for every application

, Smart Mesh


, Smart Mesh


, Smart Mesh


, Smart Mesh


Command & Control

Centralized Drone Fleet Management Solution for Search and Rescue Operations, Video Surveillance, Public Safety

Imagine having to coordinate video surveillance operations or Search Missing Persons from a Remote Operations Center.

Command & Control allows you not only to stream HD Video  and Drone Telemetry via Mesh Network, but also remote control of Drone and Payload from a remote operation center.

Mesh BVLOS Link

  • Centralized management of drone fleets (max 60 UAVs)
  • FullHD 1080p video streaming in real time
  • Map-based monitoring of each drone
  • Complete flight information with statistics
  • Remote control of gimbals and sensors
  • Remote video recording and flight logs
  • AES265 data encryption

Get the most out of your drone fleet with Dedicated APP

The Command & Control Mobile app acts as a link between Drone and the Ground Team that can receive Live Video from drones in flight to better assess high-risk situations.

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